Re: Sentence splitting
2022/08/18 09:40:59
☄ Helpfulby CorbettMD 2022/09/19 15:35:00
Yes, @Voice would have to know that a number with a dot after it is an "abbreviation" to not end the sentence there. However then the sentence splitting would not work correctly where sentences end with a number, like "He was born in 1980." It's pretty stupid that our writing systems have the same character - dot - to end sentences or mark other things...
To teach @Voice abbreviations for any language, create a text file named abbrev-XXX.txt, where XXX is a 3 letter ISO code of the language. For example, if your language is Slovak, the file name should be abbrev-slo.txt. Then enter common abbreviations in that language, one per line. They may be just regular abbreviations, like:
and they may be regular expressions, when the line starts with * character. To treat a number followed by a dot as "abbreviation" (to not end the sentence on it), enter a line:
Then save your abbrev-slo.txt file and copy it to the .config folder under @Voice home directory. You could do this e.g. using the "File browser" function on @Voice's Settings menu.