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Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN

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2015/04/29 10:19:44 (permalink)

Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN

Hi, one thing that I miss sometimes is:
distribute equaly the spaces between some shapes/objects. Vertically or horizontally.
Similar to EDIT / ALIGN  Rigth, Left, Center, Top, ....
I think that it would be a good option related to the previous:
distribute equaly the spaces between some shapes/objects. Vertically or horizontally. That is is you have 3  or 4 objetcs you could want align, but sometimes, moreover... you can want taht the space between the objects/shape is the same.
Excuse me for my little english.
Best Regards.
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/04/29 14:08:34 (permalink)
Thank you Rafa, good idea, not sure when I'll find the time to implement it though. Will keep in in mind.
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/05 04:37:31 (permalink)
I love HyperSnap :-)
Any other things I think that could enrich the program a little more are:
1.- Any more "callout" designs, as the tipycal, in comics, to show "thinking" with little elipses and a big elipse with the thinking.
2.- A little more complicated, I think, but interesting would be could make "arrows" with a "Bezier curve", that is, a arrow but with the shape of a curve that we can define as we want, instead a straight line.
3.- Easier than the "Bezier curves", another thing that may be interesting is the option in the "ARROWS TOOL" to make arrows with a polyline, and an arrowhead only at the final of the last line (or at the start of the first line, similar to the choice in the available ARROW TOOL).
Best Regards.
post edited by Rafa - 2015/05/05 04:45:27
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/05 07:37:43 (permalink)
Thank you for all the suggestions! Again, I can't promise anything definite, but will keep these in mind.
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/08 03:42:34 (permalink)
Greg, a suggestion but I think that more complicated than the previous.
Once in the past I wrote about a plugin for writing in LATEX as an improvement. Today inserting any formulas I think that using a free web service may be a solution (close to) for leting users writing LATEX formulas/text
LaTeX is a "language" for writing scientific formulas (grosso modo)
You write
\sin^2{x}+\cos^2{x}=1,\;\;\; x\in[0,2\pi]
You obtain

You write
\displaystyle{\sum_{i=1}^{n}{i}=\frac{n \dot (n+1)}{2}}
You obtain

So if a user would like to use LATEX in a fast way, I think that this free web serevice may be usefull for insert this feature in hypersnap. I don´t know how much complicated is :-)  but I say that:
In this web  
you can writ e little code and obtain an image with the result of the "compilation online"
at the end of the web you obtain some links.
for example if you use\sin^2{x}%2B\cos^2{x}%3D1%2C\%3B\%3B\%3B%20x\in[0%2C2\pi]&bc=Transparent&fc=Black&im=jpg&fs=12&ff=arev&edit=0%22%20align=%22center%22%20border=%220%22%20alt=%22\sin^2{x}+\cos^2{x}=1,\;\;\;%20x\in[0,2\pi]
you obtain an image that It would be usefull to put in the clipboard if it is possible to use in the hypersnap image directly.
Best Regards.
Excuse me for my little english.
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/28 14:13:13 (permalink)
FWIW, Greg, I'd love to see that align/space implemented at some point. It's not something that comes up all that often, but when it does, I end up having to use something totally overweight to accomplish it. So it would be nice. 
As always, thanks for a great product that I couldn't live without. 

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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/28 14:49:00 (permalink)
How should align work, exactly - say we have selected 5 shapes of different sizes. When selecting "space evenly horizontally", should I move them within their actual bounding box, making sure that the spaces between them are the same? Or would you like to space them that way on the entire image, or custom selected area?
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/30 08:44:13 (permalink)
Dear Greg, I think that the first choice you propose is the most common. Morevoer, that choice let you put one item in one limit of the image, and other item in the opossite limit, and in this way you can space them in that dimension (vertical/horizontal) of the image.
It´s my opinion, at first sigth.
I agree with CRussell.... as always, thanks for a great product :-)
Best Regards.
Another 3 suggestions that could be interesting are:
1.- adding other kind of shapes (in a similar way of Callouts). At this moment I think in arrows, and other symbols as a diagram (flow chart/diagram) similar to this ones:

2.- When you are painting diferent shapes an things, sometimes you want to move a draw/shape over another but not to the front of the rest. So... I think that could be interesting the choice of moving a draw/shape ONE layer up/down and not only to the FRONT/BACK of all the other objects.
In the following example you might want to put square 1 over square 2, but below the square 3. With the suggestion you can only bring square 1 up one layer (1 action).

3.- Grouping draws/shapes as a new object/"vectorial draw". Suposse that you want to group the 4 red shpaes of the first image, you can use Ctrl to add each one to the group, and when you have the 4 selected in the group, you can move the 4 shapes as a group. The new feature would be that you(the user) could make a new object that is "the selected draws/shapes". In this way you can select another object or make other draws or any other operations and in the future you could select the GROUP (created with the 4 red shapes selected as a group) and you wouldn´t need to select once again each of them with the Ctrl to make the group again.
Obviously, the ungroup option could be interesting for UNDO the grouping operation, if you (the user) would want.
Best Regards, and excuse me for my little english.
post edited by Rafa - 2015/05/30 09:06:24
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/05/30 09:52:09 (permalink)
Another kind of suggestion is related to the ARROW TOOL, but I´m not sure that this could be interest for many users. I think that could be.
I love the arrow options :-) and I ask myself if could be interesting add any other options to the "arrow tool"
Suggestion 1.-
For example, arrows similar to the red one in the top left corner (Choice A), where the user select the origin and the end, and the tool draw a rounded polygon with an arrow in the last line of the polygon.
I usually use the Choice B because is the the festest way for me, but I think that the choice A is the most beautifull. And the Choice C could be an option as a polygon that finishes with an arrow. I like very much the round options but I don´t know how difficult would be coding that.

Suggetions 2.-
Similar to the ARROW TOOL I think that a modification of this one or a new one using shapes instead of arrowhead could be interesting for point relations in the same way of arrows. In the next image I sketch some choices for you coinsiderer the value of this proposal.
Sincerely, I´m not sure that this one is so interesting because it´s easy to make it with the tools of HyperSnap. I doubt.

Greg, It´s only suggestions. Is easy talking but it´s less less less easy coding that :-) I realise.
Best Regards.
post edited by Rafa - 2015/05/30 10:10:57
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/06/10 05:09:01 (permalink)
- related with the previous suggestions about arrows, another thing that may be usefull is customize another kind of arrows similar to this ones filled in yellow and with the outline in white and shadow(this feature is already available, I know).
The green-OK-verified symbol may be interesting to be available in the DRAWING TOOLS.
The red cross-over- NO OK - symbol may be interesting.
Similar to

In the same option, with a popup menu may be interesting another symbols, like some hours, weather symbols or any other usual symbols.
I think any other items similar to this popup-menu

All this may be customized by the user to share the creations, and enrich this fantastic software :-)
other symbols may be like this two

Best Regards.
post edited by Rafa - 2015/06/10 13:42:33
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/06/26 10:57:33 (permalink)
Oh my, Rafa, a lot of suggestions here... I'm sort of waiting with HyperSnap to see what happens with it when Windows 10 is released and if people will still want to use desktop software like HyperSnap with Win10 and all the new possibilities it brings. And the difficulties for us the developers, for example they implemented some multiple-desktops feature, and no programmatic interface for a program like HyperSnap to know to which desktop any given window belongs. So things may not work right. Too  many unknowns right now...
Thank you for all the excellent suggestions though. Will consider them when I find out that it's safe to invest time and effort again into HyperSnap.
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/06/26 15:57:53 (permalink)
Well, I know that whatever version of Windows I'm running (and it's already >50% Windows 10/Server 2016), I'll want and use HyperSnap. As for desktops -- I can't imagine a situation where I'd want to capture more than the "current desktop", however many monitors that might be. And HyperSnap does that perfectly well right now. I used it extensively in my last book, completed about a month ago, and that was all on Server 2016 and Windows 10. 

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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/07/14 15:34:53 (permalink)
I agree with CRussel. HyperSnap forever!! ;-)
The only problem I have with Hypersnap is the scrilling with firefox, but... I´m very happy with this excellent software.
Another suggestion, is to add symbols like parenthesses, square brackets, curly brackets, angle brackets,...

I think that these kind of delimiters could be very usefull to enrich the captures, in the TOOLS ribbon.
Best Regards.
post edited by Rafa - 2015/07/14 15:36:36
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Re: Suggestion: set equally the distance between objects, similar to ALIGN 2015/07/14 17:04:06 (permalink)
Scrolling with Firefox works, if you install our Firefox Add-on into it first, at least it works if the page does not have a lot of animations, non-scrolling elements etc., as with everything else. However, the add-on has also a "Capture entire page" function on its menu, which is the best way of capturing entire pages, no matter how big.
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